Block stump(ed) stupid.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002
[Blog: Cellphone of the Internet]
Well, i have no idea what i was talking about regarding that John comment below.
See? this is why blogs are stupid.
Don't we go blathering enough to each other all the time?
If we don't go blathering, it's just because our friends are tired of talking to us in the first place,
and just don't want to freaking hear it any more.
Oh, what's that you say? but we are interested in the blog? well that's
freaking beautiful! No interest in a conversation, but OH! Let's all read each other's'll be just like communication!
It reminds me of what bob said. he comes over to my house, and i say "hey bob,
what's going on man?" (it was a freakin' pary btw)
his response:
"just read the blog, man."
and that was it.
What are you, kidding me? have we really traded face to face verbal communication
for some lame ass web page?
Are we trying to do this?
Bad enough are the freaking phone calls, cell phones and freaking IM!
but now we get to give up the face time. Go bob! you're are cutting edge man!
Who am i to talk? i'm the one that had the three year long distance relationship!
what the hell is that?
My ear is permanently deformed from the phone being pressed against it.
Even though we broke up, i think i'm going to move up there; *just* so she can
throw me out of her apartment! and if we fight? well, we get to feel the spittle flying out
of each other's mouth. that seems more normal to me than more
phone calls.
How did we get such distance. Cell phone manufactures are sucking up and out
this desire to detach from our day to day lives and thoughts.
We should start shooting at cell phone people. A good assault makes everybody stop talking
and be present.
Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Monday, July 15, 2002
[The Art of Self Discovery]
Well, I've been busy with work.
And i have been down on the whole blogging thing. we all know what a huge waste of time self
expression is, expecially on the internet.
So i have been doing my best to express myself in other, less productive ways.
I have been throwing empty beer bottles at the late night revelers that "crawl" my neighborhood.
That third story advantage helps with momentum.
Well, okay the truth is that i have been on a journey of self discovery. but then it got kinda boring.
Went to the store and bought more beer (needed more empties).
Though i admit i did learn some things on my trip.
"When your only tool is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail."
That one comes in handy alot.
Oh, and there is this one, i think it's my favorite.
"Patience: a state of dispair disguised as a virtue."
I think that if you combine those two things, you will know a great deal about me.
Something i must know:
Where is pretty girl?