Block stump(ed) stupid.
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Well, it looks like JMG * has gone missing much to bob's chagrin.
well, here's a contest that bob might actually be able to win:
Win a T-shirt all proceeds go to a local animal charity. I say "go for it bob!"
And a special thanks to James for sending me a copy of Mikes Trivia Pop Quiz Winner CD, it's great!
good to know that a least *some* of my friends are winners. go mike!
So i ve not had access to my email while at work. this has seriously slowed down the PAW movement, but i will try to slog along.
But since James was kind enough to give me the CD i'll post a very special apology just for him:
apology curiously missing.
* ( a big shout out to MSG for helping me with the spelling of JMG-- I've had bigger things on my mind lately).
Friday, November 15, 2002
[Things Heat Up]
So interest has resurface in PAW. I will get more apologies up very, very soon.
In the mean time, enjoy this quote from work:
Lackeys: all lackeys will perform services requested within reason; actual work must still be accomplished by lackey and winning bidder during the workday
Thursday, November 14, 2002
[Most Enthusiastic Apology Day!]
Yesterday was "most needy" apology day, oh...I guess it was really sorted by "urgency." sorry.
Today, then is "Most Enthusiastic" apology day. MDM was the winner of this little contest
(sorry bob, you don't get credit, yet again).
MDM sent in several emails for Public Apology Week, and I will attempt to address each in turn. let me know if publishing the original email is a problem!
Subject: CFPA
Date: Tue, in the past
dear nick adams,
i apologize for not checking your blog for a few days, and missing your call for public apologies.
At the time, I did not really respond to our friend above, however, i did a little check and it seemed clear to me
that "I will be issuing public apologies, so get your orders in NOW!" My gift to you.
However, I gratefully accept your apology MDM, now make it public.
Subject: apology
Dear Nick Adams,
I'm sorry that you think that strike threats result from boredom.
warm regards,
Again i did a little checking, and well, it turns out that i actually did say that, if you can believe it. sometimes i just wonder at what comes out of
this mouth of mine.
So, Public Apology to all: Sorry Longshore workers of America! i know it's not about boredom!
Subject: ps
when are you posting the apologies? any good ones?
Right now, of course!
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
[Can You Believe it?]
A whole week has passed since Public Apology Week!
Since i only issued one aplogy then, i have decided to extend PAW a bit longer. and glad i did! the
responses (and some nags) have been coming in!
I have been trying to decide how to approach the pending apologies, as in what order to display them;
alphabetically, or by urgency. i admit that none seem too urgent, but i'll use that approach just the same.
Firstly then, to one Michel Stephane Gregory, who gets the urgent No. 1 rating just because of the nagging. although don't think that will work with me every time, keep your nags to yourself!
MSG actually gets a twofold apology:
Dearest Mr. Gregory,
Please accept my most sincere apology for the delay in issuing this statement.
Also please include in your acceptance my repentance for making you feel like a "lame ass friend."
Many a time i have berated and humiliated you for being so weakminded and dull in the context of our friendship. but alas, what you said is true. you surely are no lamer than me. in fact, i think it an unworthy measure for a man of your stature and intricacies.
May you have a long and pleasant life, dear friend.
Yours truly,
Nicholas Adams
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
[The Thrill is Gone]
This weeks feature: Public Apology Week!
I must admit that the response has been dreadfully low.
Perhaps there was some confusion on this one. MDM emailed me an apology, and ACD
emailed a promisory note saying a whole bunch were on the way.
RPL did request an apology, but this one was a bit hard; memory fails. something about me dropping his computer down a flight of stairs or
something, to wit i say:
My Dearest Ron,
Many a year have we been friends. the several years of silence between us i think can now be explained.
to think i have been so callous to forget this traumatic event! how could i have been so emotionally neglectful
and slippery handed?
Ron, i apologize for skidding of the TI99/4A down the stairs, old friend. I hope that one day I can make up for this
transgression, and can only pray that this is the first step.
Nicholas Adams
The point of Public Apology Week, of course, is for me to make some apologies to friends, new and old,
in a public forum. like this: I make apologies to you dear reader.
So just like voting, the turnout has been low. what can we assume from this, that blogging is nearly
dead? that I owe no one apologies? no, i can think of several right off the top of my head!
Get in your requests NOW! the week is burning!