Block stump(ed) stupid.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Hi Nick:
I’ve been given the task to ensure everyone is taking their mandatory 7 day vacation (week-end days count) according to banking regulations. The policy says that employees must take their first 7 consecutive days off within 14 months from the date of hire and annually thereafter. Your 14 month anniversary is coming up November 16, 2003. Have you taken time off that will satisfy this regulation? If so, would you please send me the date you took off? Otherwise, please arrange your vacation with your manager and send me the dates. Thanks!
Connie Sutcliffe
Office Manager
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
Check it out!
Google buys blogger.
Blogger is always broken.
crap. crap crap crap.
Monday, June 09, 2003
So, a girl sends me flowers.
But I'm not home, and tell them I'll pick them up myself, later.
Then I forget and end up drinking a bunch of bourbon with bob.
So the next day i go to the flowershop in full motorcycle gear, pants, leather jacket, back-pack and helmet.
I was not wearing the helmet when i talked to the florist. She starts to hand me flowers wrapped in that plastic stuff. I ask her for a box. She says "I can wrap them up in paper for you." As a repsonse I hold up my Moto-Helmet, as if to say clearly: ook, I am on a motorcycle, and just wrapping them in paper is not going to help me out, now is it?
She does the "oh, okay!" thing and starts to find a box.
Just to clarify, I was looking for one of those boxes that flowers used to come in back before the was the world-wide ban on flower boxes. Remember those? they were long and skinny and gangster would carry shotguns in with their roses. you remember. see that type of thing would fit in a back-pack and you could, at least in theory, then carry flowers on a motorcycle.
Are you with me on this one? ok good. So I ask for a box for the flowers so I can put them in the bag, which will then go on my back, I go on the Motorbike, and vroom vroom off we go.
Here, then, is what the woman gave me:
Oh, and here's one of Anna too!