Block stump(ed) stupid.
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Friday, July 25, 2003
[In My Head By MDM]
Bind me tie me
Chain me to the wall I wanna be a slave
To you all
Chain-store chain-smoke
I consume you all
Chain-gang chain-mail
I don't think at all
Thrash me crash me
Beat me till I fall
I wanna be a victim
For you all
Oh Bondage, Up Yours!
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
[Everybody has a dream]
I had the dream again where i smoke. i get about half way through the cigarette and then sort of come to this consciousness where i say "what the hell am i doing!?!?" and throw the thing away. what could this mean?
Clayton was telling me that he keeps on having anxiety dreams. "what do you think they mean?" i ask. he throws a wrench at me. i think he's stress out.
I've been talking to vinnie lately. he has dreams too. it gets better vin, trust me.
I have a date tonight. i have invited her over for dinner. but then this happened and i wonder if i can just do the pizza and beer and 'let's work on the bike!' thing. frankly i think it would work. is that just evil?
Friday, July 18, 2003
[Public Apology Day]
Back by popular demand!
This one goes out to Valerie, aka Karaab. please forgive my comments; they were really only meant to provide comic relief and were not intended to be hurtful. i will somehow make this up to you when you visit.
Thursday, July 17, 2003
[News Alert]
I Just Added comments (thanks Peanut!). you get to select what they are called. Please keep the following in mind when choosing:
Peanut!: see, the cool thing about "shout out" or "comment" or "heckle"
Peanut!: is it's a verb
Peanut!: but as soon as someone does
Peanut!: it becomes a noun
Peanut!: get me?
Okay then. So far here are the suggestions:
"Worthless Drivel" -- NEA
"Heckle" -- Korak
"Random Drivel" -- NEA
"drops of drivel" -- NEA
Please provide your Suggestion and Three-Letter-Acronym. thank you.
Friday, July 11, 2003
[ Finally]
Ok, so i just got over one of the most incredible bouts of what must surely been food poisoning.
I have never voided myself with such enthusiasm; but i'm sure you don't want to hear about that. some of you have anyway. so what's the point right?
fuck that. I'll tell you what the point is. the point is that when you shit yourself for a good 30 hours you start thinking.
Your body goes on a big purge and "you" are along for the ride, now that's what i'm talkin about.
You start thinking that maybe it's time to start changin, that the "positive" steps you have taken in the past were just little stumbing, tenative shuffles toward something you are just beginning to see.
That the great void is in your future. you start yearning for some kind of forward momentum.
As you sit and wonder how much longer that roll of TP is going to last (another hour?) you realize the temporal nature of things and of you. that you could expire because of what you are doing right now and that you would never understand it. it was always beyond you anyway, your "understanding" would never get near it.
You are a porous bag of liquid, open to the environment and vulnerable to it so much so that you could reason that you *are* it. the decisions and tasks and duties and such are so miniscule, what's the point? why is it so importantant to do what we do?
Ah but then your symptoms subside, you start feeling better, you forget all these questions for the time being. you go, and eat, and drink again, a little fearful, but you are back among the living and you forget the death force you saw earlier.
[ Trucker's Blues]
Never before in my life has my anus received this much attention. most of it because it is screaming in pain. if you don't like scatelogical stories....keep on truckin, if you know what i mean.
I should say that i had some stomach upset earlier this week, that perhaps built up to the last 24 hours but there was really no way to see this coming.
Having said that, can i recommend that you stay away from soul food, even if it is as famous as "Lois the Pie Queen."
Oh lord, hang on...I'll finish this story in a minute. gotta run!
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Subject: try this at home
go to google and type in "weapons of mass destruction" and click
the "i'm feeling lucky" button.
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Hey, so I went on vacation.
I know I was sorely missed by you all.
I put up some pictures on das Veb for your enjoyment.
I will be adding some commentary to the photos when i get some more time. Digital Cameras Rock, let me know if you have trouble viewing items (i know the first image is broken).