Block stump(ed) stupid.
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Well, i'm still waiting for the Mojo of Korack to arrive. in the mean time annie paradise has arrived.
It's been fun, drinking beer, having dinner, talkie talkie, morning coffee and I'm late again.
Friday, August 22, 2003
[Subject: eBay Item Won! The Mojo of Korak (Item #2946135672)]
Dear nea_bay,
The seller, capgasjack, has entered a total price of $10.00 for the item below.
The seller entered the following message: As an alternative to Paypal, you can
use AfterlifePal. By using this service, you will need to pay me, the seller,
$10.00 plus Shipping and Handling in the Afterlife. Upon Afterlife receipt of
these funds, you will receive the Grain of Rice, in the Afterlife. The choice is
Thursday, August 21, 2003
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
[Great Car Looking for Smokey or Bandit ]
In case you are wondering this is a 1972 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser the last year they made it. It has the window in the roof and sun visors for the back seat.
It would be cool to mount a FIFTY to the top of this thing. post-apocalyptic, what? remember that scene in "Das Terminator" where Reese and some dude are ass-hauling across broken terrain in some clapped out old car with a giant machine gun sticking out of the top? that's the one.
Maybe then I would finally get down to LA.
My attention span is totally shot. maybe she was right.
I have edited this thing about 8 times so far, and have only gottent three paragraphs down. speaking of non-sequiturs:
What is it about old cars? why such affinity when other people have no interest at all. i wish.
I have Billy Squier blasting on headphones right now. maybe that's it.
I like cars like this. I would live in this one, down by the river. now Who's With Me?

Friday, August 15, 2003
Ok, so that last one covered Item to-do No. 2
This then will be the story that picks up after that...the part about the drowning dogs. If you are a Trish*, you may not want to read on.
So after the drunken, near smoking incident, i made it safely into my bed. or so i thought.
I dreamed that me and some of my friends where for some reason moving into a building together, like an apartment building that combined the warmth of Friends with the mood of 90210. Ok, not really but it was creepy, and here's why.
First the place was a couple of stories tall, and not particularly a nice place. the idea was that it was supposed to be fun, but once you got there is was really just being in a dump with your friends. the upshot is, you start to wonder why these people are your friends. they have, after all just brought you into this dump.
It was damp and i remember wet broken tiles in the floors and walls. like it used to be pretty...and of course, being a dream there has to be this completely illogical part too, which is what is so cool about dreams, right, that they don't abide by the laws of physics or reason. right?
So i go downstairs and am feeling bad, creeped out. this is all wrong. it is then that i realize that the building is built on a pier, and so underneath is the bright geen ocean.
The waves are big and crashing in against the shore and the legs of the pier...
There is a giant net separating the Under-side of the pier from the ocean side, it also goes underneath the water so that you cannot gain access to the under-side of the pier by going underwater.
It reminds me of the kind of nets they hang behind home plate, or the ones they raise when field goals are kicked, or a giant fishing net, for those of you who hate spots analogies.
A storm is brewing and the waves are fierce, crashing against the pylons of the pier. The dogs are under the pier on some kind of solid stucture, it seems to be where they live. the net prevents them from getting out from under the pier or maybe prevents other things from getting in.
While I watch one black and white border collie is trapped outside the net and desperately wants to get inside, it cries and whines in a pitiful way and attemps to climb the net.
This is horrifying to me watching knowing, feeling the dog is going to die, hearing it's cries. it's agonizing.
Memory skips here and I am back inside, the next day. the storm raged all night and I descend down to the vantage point where i witnessed the climbing dog. the sun is out and the waves are relatively calm.
All the dogs are gone, and I know that they were all swept away by the storm, the feeling of horror just suspends me; i feel like weeping, or have been.
The feeling stays with me all the next day.
* Trish=Canis familiaris amoris
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
[Cow orker]
Ok, for those wondering what that was all about, it was really just a little reminder for myself about what to blog.
A coworkers birthday, and out i go for drinks at al local establishment. this one in particular is one of the few that actually still allow smoking.
It was mellow, i think it was saturday night. i was working obsessive-complusive style on the car, and i guess i did not eat dinner. i was late, splashed some water and off i went to meet up.
The drinks went to my head fast; i actually enjoyed talking with my coworkers. there was a couple making out in the corner, and i am later told that i made a very loud request for "the line." something like "hey you guys, where's the line? you two can't have each other all night! he's got such pretty hair! who wouldn't want to make out with him?"
One coworker tells me that she has placed a hex on our boss. i think this is very cool and funny. she is a self proclaimed witch.
I see another, and cool, motorcylist.
Him: "i'm so fucked up right now. i been smokin pot and drinking all day. i'm totally fucked up!"
Me: "okay!"
I get drunk and am in a smoking bar the kind where people are smoking. it's not obnoxious. it's almost civilized. not like the old days, or places with winter where the density of the air and lack of ventiallation nearly kills you. no, here it's cool, it's kind, there are couches for your pleasure. there is a couple making out. there are packs of cigarrettes all over the little tables in the back. and i want one. hey look, it's my brand.
I tell the birthday girl that i really want to smoke. it's bad. she is smokin my brand. she says "come on, it's not that big a deal. no one's watching you! you can do what ever you want." it's fucking blasphemy!
"Enabler!" i yell and run to the bar.
Later i have a moment to myself and i sit and stare at a pack and come up with the plan. i need to leave, i know this, cause if i stay i'll end up smoking. so i need to leave. and i decide that on my way out i will grab a cigarette and smoke it on the way home. and i'm drunk and hungry and drunk and really need to just be home right now, and so i get up to leave and say good byes and go across the street and get a slice.
Halfway home i realze that i did not, in fact smoke. even after making the conscious *(?) decision to do so.
I feel like shit, demoralized, cause even though i didn't smoke i feel bad cause i gave in. i quit, i capitualted.
and i'm not going back there.
Later i would decide to exercise like a MUG, but for now it was time for pennance. i had to sleep.
A penitent man is humble before god.
A penitent man is humble before god.
A penitent man is humble before god.
Monday, August 11, 2003
Friday, August 08, 2003
keep having dreams where I use nicotine products.
Before i dreamt that I got all drunk (true) and then smoked.
I woke up feeling guilty for smoking, even when i really hadn't.
Last night I dreamed that I used that disgusting SKOAL chewing, wintergreen shredded tobacco shit.
That stuff is so disgusting.
Any way, for some reason in my dream, maybe because I quit smoking, I started to "dip" the skoal.
It's a mess. the stench. I hate wintergreen.
It made me feel sick and dizzy, and you have to spit of course. I got the tobacco all in my mouth and everywhere.
I hated it.
Why am I having these dreams? what does it mean?
Thursday, August 07, 2003