Block stump(ed) stupid.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
[fuck all you guys. god-damned muther-fucking chow!]
Anzo brought up the point that this little statement might need addressing; so here we are.
The "god-damned mutherfucking chow" story originates from the early 60's when my friend and good buddy Jim was in the Army, long before you were in it all by yourself. no, this was back when every redneck they could find was stuck in there together. and as you can imagine some of the bottom-of-the-barrel types got the shit kicked out of them, even if that is "metaphorically speaking." ...
Monday, September 15, 2003
Friday, September 12, 2003
[Joining the dead]
Mr. Clean Who Put 'In God We Trust' on Bills (1955) -- I find it amazing that in '55 'in god we trust' became our National Motto.
Johnny Cash
John Ritter
Christ, next it will be people we actually *know*. I am feeling more mornful today, than on yesterday's "Patriot Day."
And angry, very very angry. maybe i'm just starting to feel again. I do that.
I am reaching that point where i want to hit the life "eject" button. Maybe I've been on cruise control for too long and need a change.
It's friday, right? ride motorcycle and forget all this?
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Apologies to RPL for not seeing this earlier. here is his interpretation of my dream from Friday, August 15, 2003 below:
Hmmm...well, it''s fairly obvious. The house you live in that''s falling apart represents your self-image. You feel run down. "It''s supposed to be fun," you tell yourself, but it''s just a dump. The ocean under the house represents your subconscious, seething with repressed emotion and chaotic longing. The net is a metaphor for the internal barrier between subconscious and pre-conscious, and the dog trying to get through represents instincts that you are not allowing yourself to express or accept. You fear the death of your animal soul. My prescription: a weekend of debauchery followed by a Lakota sweat lodge.
I'm on it!
Ok, so life has been hectic feeling of late. Just business I am not used to and having people around all the time. Reminds me of JMGs introvert-extrovert thing. Time to regenerate.
Girl and I are going away for the weekend, but if you are planning on breaking into the apt and robbing me, think again. My new rommie will be there, and is in a kung fu mood.
We are going to the Timber Cove Inn. Thank you [Name of Place that Employs NEA]! We are taking the bike, first trip for girl.
Oh, here's the best piece of junk mail i have had in like a year:
Disclaimer!!! this is most likely some porn site with a bunch of pop-ups!
Subject: governor mary carey
greetings to all my loyal supporters,
i'm mary carey and as you may know already,
yes i'm the adult movie actress who's a candidate
for California governor. and to show i support
total transparency in my race i uploaded
a big bunch of new pictures and movie clips
on my personal site at
come check it out and you'll see i am the only
candidate with nothing to conceal!
all my love,