Block stump(ed) stupid.
Monday, April 12, 2004
[I hate it so much, I would not even wipe my butt with it]
Ok, so i admit that i have not been blogging much lately, and for good reason probably.
Truth is, i'm a synic, and i don't spell good. nor grammar, and sometimes blogging is depressing. if you don't belive me, look at the Yee-Haw! Austin bloggers Round up photos for proof:
I mean which of these people would you trade lives with? me personally, i would trade with the sign. but it's kinda retro-chic and the new owners would probably tear me down eventually.
Maybe it's been me that has been depressing of late. but i think the transition from job to know job blow job. shit. just "no job" really, is now complete-ish and i am working on the groove.
Goals. must have them.
1. "Do one important thing every day"
2. "Wing it alot"
Ok, this might need some 'splainin' (just watched this cool thing re: "I love Lucy!"). item number one. when unemployed, it is very important that you keep your shit together. i do of course mean "keep your shit together" helpful means for this are chanting this phrase while you shave in the mirror, staring at your new best friend-companion-and goal achiever! "keep your shit together!" call yourself "little buddy" mix it up. don't quit. put out. you have to put out. no one will do this for you. "keep your shit together" little buddy!
Speaking of which, you know the guy that played "Gilligan" on "Gilliagan's Island" (bob denver, roit?) was actually a "quiet, introverted, intelligent man"? i personally doubt that very much, or he would have most certainly blown his head off with a cheap pawn-shop .38 Special (smith and wesson), having the patience and forethought to wait the five days.
Goal attainment number two. "Wing it alot" this might seem obvious to you. but really it is not. if you are getting in the requisite chants, achieving goal number one, and "keeping your shit together" you might forget that it's ok to totally let go. play three hours of video games a day for a week! (ONLY if you never do this) who gives a rat's ass? watch movies as much as possible. read on the toilet. drink a beer first thing in the morning (ONLY if you never do this). can you see how important it is to wing it? last night i dreamt that i was on a motorcycle trip. if you have never done this, let me tell you what the big picture is on motorcycle trips. jesus cramps new paragraph
Motorcycle trips go like this. they embody the big goal number two. get motorcycle, some time away from your life (by doing several sets of goal number one, see how everything is linked, god i'm close to enlightenment here) and maybe a map of the state you live in. now go! just wander!
In about a day or so you will start to feel your "real" life drop away. nothing matters the way it did yesterday. you have found a real freedom. you have actually *given* this to yourself, not found it. you gave it to yourself when you said "wander", "just go" do what you want. ride. don't ride. you are completely in control. suddenly you feel free like you have not felt in months and what comes with that is intense happiness, you smile alot. you joke with people you meet. you see the dilemma that they live in. you regonize it as your own. you wonder how you can keep this wonderful feeling. you get home and it goes away. you see it slipping and it makes you very pleasantly sad, like the end of an acid trip you spent with your friends way back in college. you vow to keep doing these kinds of activities.
Shit, so my point was that i had a dream where i had this feeling. rad right? but i totally forget what my point was, and let's face it this whole blog was going to be about this toilette paper that i bought cause it seemed like a good deal, but really wasn't in the end. i mean that's the only way that the title of this post would make any real sense right?
In conclusion then: "Do one important thing every day" "Wing it alot" "Don't skimp on toilette paper, you deserve better".