Block stump(ed) stupid.
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
[Wrong Number]
So yesterday i realized that i was supposed to pick someone up from the airport (sorry baby!) and totally forgot. two days have gone by at this point and i figure i should call them and give some kind of reason right?
I'm at work, so i don't have my rolodex, and i can't check personal email at the Nazi Asylum(tm) so i can't look up old emails with their number either, so i'm left to memory on this one (a phone book is no good for this vagabond). so from memory i'm trying to remember the number. actually i'm doing more than that, i'm actually dialing possible numbers.
I approach it with a strategy. since i am pretty certain that i *don't* actually know the number, i know there is a high chance that i will have to make several attempts before i remember the number. my way out is this: if someone answers and it is not A. my friend or B. the friend's roomates (who all have thick Irish accents) then i say "is ANGELA home." of course ANGELA is not my friends name and the chances of there really being an Angela there seem pretty slim.
First call (and for once this is not made up) i dial the number and a woman answers:
I realize right away that this is not my friend, so i pull out my stand-by:
Hi! I Angela home?
Woman's response:
There is a long pause from me, and i am pretty sure that she meant "no, you mean Amanda, right?" not "are *you* amanda?" cause i probably don't sound like any amanda you want to know. so after the pause I say:
I'm sorry?
She says:
You mean Amanda, is this the D.A.'s office?
Looking back i guess i should have played along, but it was so bizarre at the time, i did not even want to know how much drama was going on between Amanda and the D.A., you know?
It was very weird to make a wrong number call, have the person on the other end try and convice you that you were actually intending to call them, and just goofed on the name, and that you work for the District Attorney's office.
No, really I'm just looking for Angela...I think I have the wrong number.
Kinda feeble sounding, but afterward i was happy i didn't get stuck in her trap.
That reminds me...i still have to call my friend.
Monday, August 23, 2004
[I bought a Bar-B-Que]
Domestic bliss has finally taken over my life. I now own a Bar-B-Que grill. it is one of the finest things i have ever purchased in my whole life.
It's one of those little weber grills, the kind that runs off a camping bottle of propane; suitable for single apartment dwellers and guys that have fantasies of living in a van.
Did i ever mention that I have ADD? right after i wrote "living in a van" i did a search on google (suckers) and spent about 20 minutes reading about Chris Farley (rented the best of netflix also... )
I realized that my father also has massive ADD, that actually puts mine to shame. it's kind of controlable, i mean it's not like he lives in a van or anthing. he actually has a good life and all, is able to hold down a job, but like millions of americans...he suffers from Attention Deficite Disorder. anyway, when i was home last i sort of just watched him putter around the house following his stream of consciousness as it led him around the house from task to task. the main frustration that i have had with this is that you can't talk to him when he is in this frame of mind, and he seems to always be in that mindset when he is home. see the problem?
So, i have been working the new job for 2 weeks now. there was some stuff that i was going to say about that, but i'm not sure what it was. feel free to ask questions.
I have been experimenting with packing my lunch. this involves hours of cooking on sunday night. so far it has been good. K and I have a bottle of wine and make lunches for the week, it makes it fun, and now with a BBQ well, now i'm grilling like a mofo!
Thursday, August 12, 2004
i have started the new job, and after waiting for several days for a computer, a place to sit, an email address, network connection, i am finally mostly hooked up.
they block the network so that you can’t check email and what not, which is kid of lame, right? maybe that’s why the guy a couple of cubes over is known to cry every day. he is also known to make “bodily function” noises too, which kind of kills any sympathy the people around him might have had.
you think a guy like that would get let go? just because he is troubled, potentially unstable, and gaseous? personally i would pull and intervention and make the poor soul seek help.
you know that guy that walked into 101 california st. ten years ago and “sprayed” the law offices of Pettit & Martin with bullets killing 8 and wounding 6? well maybe he started out as that guy who cried everyday in the office. and every day his co-workers listened to him, and put on their headphones and turned up the volume. maybe.
maybe he was crazy and felt screwed over by the world. and when his bank account got down to about $1,000 he went to a Las Vegas pawn shop and spent his remaining money on 2 Intratec TEC-9 semi-automatic pistols, a Colt .45, lots of ammo and a black gym bag. officials found that he had $10.82 in his bank account at the time of his death (self-inflicted, after the slayings).
so yep, the first week at work has got me thinking pretty positive!