Block stump(ed) stupid.
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Truckerbonics test!
Please translate the following phrase:
"Look at the seatcovers in that westbound rollerskate."
Monday, September 27, 2004
Last night I had a spookey dream. I dreamt I was in a restaurant and a young bat flew into the place and was flying all over, like he couldn't find his way out.
He was flying under the chairs and stoped and you could see him breathing really hard, looking scared. so I decided to grab him and take him out of the place.
We got outside and it turned out that the reason he was lost and flying in the restaurant was that his home had been destroyed by some kind of urban development or something.
I ended up taking him way out into the country, out in this spookey woods (of course it was a deep black night!) and showing my little bat friend that he could live in the hollow of this giant tree that was still standing, but hollow all the way up.
I think that is when he bit me. he bit me then flew into the tree. the bite was mild like a mosquito bit. it itched a little bit, but i did not hold it against the little guy. later I went home and discovered that I had rabies.
Friday, September 24, 2004
Today is my 10 Week Anniversary of doing my Kung-Fu every day. Ok, every "workday" but that does not sound nearly as cool.
50 times in two and a half months?
Should I keep going and make it an even three months? that sounds way better than 10 weeks doesn't it?
I am kinda tempted to quit all this physical activity and just start smokin again. it's amazing how exercising this much can just make you feel decrepit.
Jam Master Jay is hard as Hell!
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
God! I just figured out that Korak is "Korak, Son Of Tarzan"!!
BTW I am changing my name to: please make of note of it. |
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[Bored at Work]Staring at a computer is boring. after a while even
is boring. you dig? but then again

helps to releive a little of the boredom. check it out, it might help you too.
I thought i would check out the Guided by Voices big break-up farewell tour, but there's no damn story there, Pollard is just ending GBV. do drama. boring.
Boring day makes me which i had taken that job as a lumberjack up in canada. or become that musician thing i was thinking about way back then. maybe the buddhist scholar? that seemed like a good thing to do with your life, right? boring.
What do you want to be on Boring Day?
Monday, September 20, 2004
Ifin' I was The Onion I would post a story with this title:
God finally punishes florida for election debacle
In a belated, but hellish move, God attempts to destroy the Gomorrah-like state of Florida with three successive hurricanes after the 2000 presidential election.
If it is true that 'revenge is a dish best served cold' then the Master Chef has created a real "Big Night" with a three year delay on this triple whammy...